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What is the impact of mercury contamination on human health in the Arctic?

Stow, J.; Krümmel, E.; Leech, T.; Donaldson, S.; Hansen, J.C.; Van Oostdam, J.; Gilman, A.; Odland, J.Ø.; Vaktskjold, A.; Dudarev, A.; Ayotte, P.; Berner, J.E.; Bonefeld-Jørgensen, E.C.; Carlsen, A.; Dewailly, E.; Donaldson, S.G.; Furgal, C.; Gilman, A.; Muckle, G.; Ólafsdóttir, K.; Pedersen, H.S.; Rautio, A.; Sandanger, T.M.; Savolainen, M.; Skinner, K.; Tikhonov, C.; Weber, J.-P.; Weihe, P.

Publication details

Book: AMAP assessment 2011: Mercury in the Arctic., 159–169, 2011