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Study of contributions from small scale wood burning to PM in air in cities in Norway – Phase 2A: days with high PM concentrations.

Larssen, S.; Hagen, L.O.

Publication details

Series: NILU OR 43/2008

Publisher: NILU

Year: 2008

ISBN: 978-82-425-2473-7

File: NILU OR 43/2008 (pdf)

Summary: NILU has carried out an investigation of contributions from small scale wood burning to PM concentrations in air in cities in Norway. In this project phase (Phase 2a) the contributions from wood burning in Oslo on days with PM >50 ¿g/m3 has been studied. While wood burning contributes about 35% to PM2.5 and 20-25% to PM10 as winter average, the contribution on high PM10 days can be as high as 50%, making wood burning the main contributor.